

Some days ago a friend ask me to have a little bit more of masculine presence here...
So here they are...or here he is (with him we don't need nobody else) - Hugh Jackson

He have lots and lots and lots of charm...

His look of mature "bad boy"...

This look...

I do not believe in "my kind of men" but ...

3 comentários:

C@B disse...

Hugh Jackson?!?!?

This came as a complete surprise to me...

I thought you were the bad part of the equation and only "good guys" would fit your likings...

(não penso nada disto, só que quis provocar e chamar-te "bad girl"!)

Raquel disse...

Exacto "good guys" look-a-like nunca me "encheram as medidas"...os "bad boys" por outro lado rrrrrrrhhhh

Anônimo disse...

Tenho de vir mais vezes cuscar o teu blog... isto promete!!! (",)